
Thursday, April 18, 2024

Reflections on Peace and War

Peace and War The current situation of the world makes one think about what is going on with man in the evolutionary scale. After decades of education, technological advancements, spiritual direction we are no different than the people in the caves who killed each other over a piece of steak. Why is there a vacuum in this socio-emotional issue? The first world has reached an amazing development in terms of acquisitions, engineering feats and even interplanetary conquests. But the soul of man has yet to grow to become more generous, and to make sure everyone reaches their highest potential. Our world can be so polarized, and that is an obstacle in our evolution. Where does man want to be? What will it take to get there? Do we want to destroy our planet and erase Earth from the galaxy? Given that and as far as we know, Earth is the only place that has an atmosphere where we can survive, well if we survive the current state of affairs, we will continue here for another billion years. But, of course, that will depend on us. As Shakespeare said “To be or not to be, that is the question.” Evolving to the next level will probably take more reflection, responsibility and getting rid of the greed and materialism that we live under. It will take for our leaders to make the right decisions. If instead of spending so much money on developing the latest weapons, we spent money in creating the right living conditions for humanity. In focusing on the traditions that have worked in the past, in strengthening families. The world is struggling right now in going back to political systems that have been proved not to work. Why go there, if it doesn’t work? Is our IQ going backwards? Leaders are the ones that can help with that. We need to move forward. As a Mexican Comedian once said, “We need to make the poor rich, not the rich poor.” (Cantinflas). Our evolutionary stage may be no different than that of the societies that have destroyed themselves with vices and chaos. So, we have a chance to change that. Instead of the culture of death, can we perpetuate the culture of life? Instead of laws, that allow the killing of a child in the womb, can we figure out how to help a woman with the resources necessary to let that child flourish and grow? We are at a pivotal point today and we could be dust by tomorrow if our leaders continue with the suicidal and destructive decisions or we could continue life that will flourish and create beauty for many more generations to come. The choice is out there. May God bless us!

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