
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Del Woodbury Life Center para el Chocó

Un grupo de madres del Centro Woodbury Life Center en Minnesota ensambló kits para la
Red de Parteras del Chocó esta semana.  El grupo de madres manejado por la enfermera Karen
Loome, muy generosamente ha donado los contenidos del kit, para que las parteras den la
bienvenida al mundo a los bebés Chocoanos que nacen en las zonas rurales del Chocó.

La Red de Parteras recientemente tuvo su IV Encuentro Nacional, donde se efectuó entrenamiento
en el manejo de emergencias durante el parto.

Los 200 miembros de la red de parteras , se desplazan en lancha a traves de los diversos ríos del Chocó, cuando las madres no pueden ir a los Centros de Salud u Hospitales.

Agradecemos al Woodbury Life Center por su amable donación y al Grupo de Líderes Jóvenes de Partners de las Américas quienes llevarán los kits a Colombia.

A group of mothers of the Woodbury Life Center in Minnesota assembled kits for
Choco Midwives Network this week. The mothers group run by nurse Karen
Loome very generously donated the contents of the kits, to welcome the babies
born in rural areas of Choco, Colombia

The Midwives' Network recently held its Fourth National Meeting, where training was conducted
in emergency management during labor.

The 200 members of the network of midwives, travel by boat through the various rivers of Chocó, when mothers can not go to health centers or hospitals.

We thank the Woodbury Life Center for their kind donation and the Colombian Youth Group Leaders of the Partners of the Americas who took the kits to Colombia.


"Americans are the most generous people in the world!
This gift of the ladies of a neighborhood of St. Paul (MN) called Woodbury, is typical of the love of fellowman that exists in this country.

Everyone understands that the humanitarian crisis Choco is everyone's problem, but does not look to do much to solve it. The Chocoanos vote for a lot of political parties regardless of which the most important would vote for the candidate of Choco.

It's amazing how such a rich region where they are plundering one million ounces of gold a year and who knows now if they have  platinum, that they have 300 maternal deaths: 100,000 per year like that of Rwanda .

God bless the ladies of Woodbury, the midwives Choco and youth leaders bringing the donations to Colombia."

Jaime Gomez

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