
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tractores para la Paz - Chequealos

Source:  Internet

 Tractors For Peace

Many New Questions Are Being Asked About Tractors For Peace (TFP):

"What happens to a nation whose people depend on the generosity of international donor agencies for their existence, once support is withdrawn?"  "Why is money available for emergency relief, but not for making farming affordable? Why are there too few tractors?  Where is the funding for a self-replenishing seed bank that farmers can draw from?"

Although temporary relief is critical, the poverty solution we’ve heard about for so many years has been sustainable development: give people the tools they need to continue producing without outside assistance.  The International community is willing to help alleviate immediate emergencies, but will need to focus on long-term commitments required for lasting solutions.

A key obstacle to achieving sustained food production is that farmers are not planting because they cannot afford inputs (tractors, seed and organic fertilizer technology). Rising fuel prices and too few tractors have caused some farmers to plant late or not at all.

TFP is working diligently to develop programs devised to meet the fundamental needs of small-scale agriculture.  The immediate and basic needs are equipment, fertilizer and seed.   To help small farmers improve the lives of their people and achieve agriculture "sustainability," TFP will remain committed and focused on this mission.

Tractors For Peace - Our Mission

Tractors For Peace was established in 2009 to accelerate farming in developing regions, with a vision to address the problem of food shortages in the community.  Donating agricultural equipment and supplies to communities will allow people to grow their own food supplies without dependence on outside entities, thus creating a sustainable agricultural system.

What sets TFP apart from other organizations sending strictly monetary assistance is that it provides agricultural equipment, supplies and training free of charge, taking a uniquely sustainable approach.  "Give a people money and they will eat for a week, give people equipment / training and they will eat for a lifetime." TFP will work to make a difference in some of the poorest countries in the world.  "We believe in building on the knowledge of local farmers to develop agricultural approaches that are sustainable and accessible to the poor."

Instead of being seen as passive beneficiaries of trickle-down development or technology transfer, citizens are viewed as knowledgeable and active actors who are centrally involved in both the choice of policies, technologies, and their implementation.

TFP will provide tractors and other farming equipment-supplies to small-scale farmers.

Many small-scale farmers are tilling the land by hoe. The hand hoe is not only strenuous, but very limiting in terms of expansion of hectarage under cultivation. TFP's goal is to play a leading role in supplying tractors and other farming equipment to small-scale farmers. 

The mechanization of agriculture, from land preparation through planting, crop maintenance to harvesting, processing and storage, is crucial to achieving a nation's goal of self-sufficiency.


Carta al Director del Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario de Medellín.

Buenas tardes Sr. Director,

Estamos ayudando al Instituto Agrícola de Bahía Solano, en Chocó a establecer un cultivo de vegetales y hortalizas debido al alto indice de desnutrición de los niños en esta zona (73% segun el ICBF).  Sin embargo, ellos no tienen ni siquiera una guadaña para limpiar el terreno y preparar la tierra.  Quisiera sugerir un sistema de préstamo, o donación de tractores, motosierras, guadañas para los campesinos para que puedan sembrar y cosechar comida.  Los remito al sitio web "tractors for peace"  (tractores para la paz) en el cual las donaciones de tractores y herramientas usadas se ofrecen a los campesinos para que puedan trabajar la tierra.  

Le agradezco su atención

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