
Monday, November 19, 2012

Altruism and Philanthropy in Colombia

Altruism and Philanthropy in Colombia

According to Webster, the altruism is the "concern for others" and something you learn if included in the education of children and reinforced by cultural expectations. Philanthropy, synonym of altruism is defined  by Encyclopedia Britannica, as the "love of humanity".

Among the most altruistic and philanthropic known through the centuries is Jesus who left us the commandment: "Love one another as I have loved you." In Colombia, known philanthropists in our generation we can speak of Jaime Jaramillo, Founder of "Children of the Andes." Many priests and religious orders such as the Salesians, Jesuits, Franciscans, who risk their lives to serve in difficult areas where poverty and violence are true emblems of philanthropy.

A country that progresses, is a country where people are generous and help  all who need it. United States is one of the countries where there is more adoptions in the world and where there are more non-profit foundations registered.  In Colombia we are seeing many foundations which have emerged, and are intended to provide assistance to people who are on the margins of poverty, homelessness, hunger, malnutrition. Foundations whose values ​​go beyond the self centered approach. A beautiful comment made by a Chocó pediatrician was "Here there may be poor, but a child who is orphaned or displaced, always is welcomed by his/her family as his own son or daughter." I admire the heart of Chocó, that even in the stillness of poverty, they share what little they have.

There are many opportunities to help when we discover the needs of our citizens in different parts of the country. If you have followed this blog, you know of our concern for the children of Chocó. We are asking the help of altruistic Colombians to fund “soy cows” or equipment to process soy, which  the Rotary Club Bogota- Laureles is able to take them to Chocó, the Department that has been forgotten in Colombia. It has been shown that soy is one of the foods that are high in protein and it is what is needed to combat malnutrition in children there.

We would also like to do Operation Christmas, to bring gifts and school supplies in shoe boxes to children of Andagoya Bagadó, Condoto, Canton de San Pablo Canton, and Itsmina and send a message of love.  We do not want them to feel that we have forgotten them.

Every act of generosity is rewarded.


Claudia Baldwin
P.O. Box 2033, Stillwater, MN 55082

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